Running Shoes

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010 di 01.11

Oh yeaaah!!! Let's talk a bit about me. Lately, I kinda interested in running. You know, running can help you improve your fitness and also performance in any kind of sport. My favorite is tennis which is mainly running, hopping, and twisting your body (haha). Back-to-basic training should helps you a lot.

Back to our topic now. I'd like a new pair of running shoes! Not that I want a fancier one, but simply because I don't have one! LOL. I've been googling candidates to be worn on my feet....but that 'lunar' thingy is pretty expensive..hahaha. Then I end up with this fancy-looking shoes, and it's red!! Aaha,,my fave color!

Take a look,

image courtesy of
Yes it is. It is ASICS® GEL-Speedstar® 4. Can be bought at around US$80. Kinda affordable and reasonable price for me(no wonder, it is a performance shoes). Hope we'll hit the road soon :)

2 komentar

  1. pake mikir, gue kemaren beli sepatu lari super ngasal 2010.

  2. ya mikir lah...sesuaikan dengan bajet, kebutuhan, dan style (Y)